Realzamos la belleza natural con tecnologías de vanguardia y un servicio personalizado. Nuestro equipo de profesionales está preparado para ofrecer el mejor servicio que jamás hayas recibido.
Mantente sano y olvidate de los dolores de espalda asistiendo regularmente a sesiones de masaje en nuestro espacio
Masaje enfocado en espalda y cuello. Busca lograr estados de relajación y salud mental. (60min)
Masaje que tiene como objetivo liberar los músculos y articulaciones para ayudarlos a funcionar en su nivel óptimo. (60 min)
El masaje craneofacial se aplica en el cráneo, cara, cuello y hombros y está dirigido a reducir la tensión de estas zonas. (60 min)
Masaje suave y sensorial realizado con piedras basálticas calientes y aceites esenciales. Alivia el dolor muscular y estimula el metabolismo. (70 min)
Tratamiento que aplica presión en puntos del cuerpo. Ayuda a que músculos se relajen y mejora la circulación. (90 min)
Tratamiento de digitopresión en pies que estimula los órganos internos del cuerpo a través de zonas reflejas. (45 min)
Masajes Terapéutica que se basa en la estimulación de determinados órganos, glándulas o áreas corporal mediante la aplicación de presión en los puntos reflejos presentes en las manos. (45 min)
Masaje donde dos masajistas trabajan al unísono, de forma coordinada y armónica para conseguir una mayor sensación de relajación. (60 min)
Masaje para reducir acumulación de grasa en zonas del cuerpo, como glúteos, abdomen, caderas, o piernas. (60 min)
Masaje que tiene el propósito de definir las curvas del cuerpo, reduciendo el peso al eliminar la grasa localizada (80 min)
Un espacio íntimo que invita a una experiencia relajante e inmersiva para transformar tu piel
Utilización de ondas electromagnéticas en la piel del rostro. Favorece la producción de colágeno y trata arrugas y flacidez (15 min)
Put your fresh face forward. This make up application will have you looking your best. (45 min)
A make up application that includes enhanced make up techniques for a more dramatic look. (60 min)
A make up application that includes enhanced make up techniques for a more dramatic look. (60 min)
Brows can change it all. Try out styling and tinting your brows and see the difference.
Includes a brow consultation, wax & style. (20 min)
Includes a brow consultation, trim & style. (20 min)
Includes a brow consultation, tweeze & style. (20 min)
A trim on the bang area. Shampoo, conditioner and scalp massage not included. (15 min)
Get your nails done for great mood. Simple pleasures can make your week, not just day.
Tratamiento que permite la eliminación permanente del vello no deseado de cualquier parte del cuerpo. (50 min)
Tratamiento que permite la eliminación permanente del vello no deseado de cualquier parte del cuerpo. (45 min)
Here you can find answers on frequently asked questions. If you cannot find the answer, feel free to contact us via email or phone.
The HydraFacial is a much-loved rejuvenation treatment, using patented Vortex technology to deliver botanical nutrients directly to the skin. HydraFacials infuse skin with healthy doses of hyaluronic acid, red algae extract, copper, zinc, and magnesium peptides to plump and rejuvenate your appearance, and leave you glowing from the inside out.
HydraFacials are a miracle treatment for common skin concerns such as: acne, hyperpigmentation, fine lines, wrinkles dryness, redness, inflammation, age spots and can even general dullness. If you are looking to replenish the building blocks which lead to long-lasting, healthy-looking skin then a Hydrafacial could be exactly the ticket.
The HydraFacial is a much-loved rejuvenation treatment, using patented Vortex technology to deliver botanical nutrients directly to the skin. HydraFacials infuse skin with healthy doses of hyaluronic acid, red algae extract, copper, zinc, and magnesium peptides to plump and rejuvenate your appearance, and leave you glowing from the inside out.
HydraFacials are a miracle treatment for common skin concerns such as: acne, hyperpigmentation, fine lines, wrinkles dryness, redness, inflammation, age spots and can even general dullness. If you are looking to replenish the building blocks which lead to long-lasting, healthy-looking skin then a Hydrafacial could be exactly the ticket.
The HydraFacial is a much-loved rejuvenation treatment, using patented Vortex technology to deliver botanical nutrients directly to the skin. HydraFacials infuse skin with healthy doses of hyaluronic acid, red algae extract, copper, zinc, and magnesium peptides to plump and rejuvenate your appearance, and leave you glowing from the inside out.
HydraFacials are a miracle treatment for common skin concerns such as: acne, hyperpigmentation, fine lines, wrinkles dryness, redness, inflammation, age spots and can even general dullness. If you are looking to replenish the building blocks which lead to long-lasting, healthy-looking skin then a Hydrafacial could be exactly the ticket.
The HydraFacial is a much-loved rejuvenation treatment, using patented Vortex technology to deliver botanical nutrients directly to the skin. HydraFacials infuse skin with healthy doses of hyaluronic acid, red algae extract, copper, zinc, and magnesium peptides to plump and rejuvenate your appearance, and leave you glowing from the inside out.
HydraFacials are a miracle treatment for common skin concerns such as: acne, hyperpigmentation, fine lines, wrinkles dryness, redness, inflammation, age spots and can even general dullness. If you are looking to replenish the building blocks which lead to long-lasting, healthy-looking skin then a Hydrafacial could be exactly the ticket.
T: 070 9485 7568
Mon to Fri: 7:30 am — 1:00 am
Sat: 9:00 am — 1:00 am
Sun: 9:00 am — 11:30 pm
85 Royal Mint Street,
London, E1 8LG, UK